Connie Reguli, Lawyer and Advocate for CPS Reform speaking at International Seminar on the Humanitarian Crisis caused by CPS Worldwide. …
Category: USA
Prayathna Kowitz: BIPOCs, Minorities Disproportionately Represented in CPS of Global North
Prayathna Kowitz, Childhood Studies & Children’s Rights Expert, speaking at International Seminar on the Humanitarian Crisis caused by CPS Worldwide. …
CPS Treats Poverty As Neglect. Shows the Children No Love. They are Traumatized. Medicated.
Carolyn Hill of ‘Give Us Back Our Children’ and ‘Support Not Separation’. This was presented at a seminar held in …
Poverty Is Not Child Neglect. Poverty, Racism Main Drivers of Child Removals by CPS DHS in the USA
Pat Albright from ‘Give Us Back Our Children’ and ‘Support Not Separation’ explains how CPS is targeting low income and …
Shaken Baby Syndrome, a flawed medical thesis that is trapping innocent families
Heather Kirkwood, US Attorney, at an international seminar on the humanitarian crisis caused by CPS worldwide. The seminar was held …
Medical Misdiagnosis of Abuse in the US CPS System
Dr Ted Hariton speaking an an international seminar on the humanitarian crisis caused by CPS worldwide. The seminar was held …

Seminar: Man, Woman, Child….and the State? Lessons from the True Story behind Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway
This is a full video of a seminar held on 18 March 2023 at the prestigious India International Centre in …
A Mother’s Appeal to the African Union at the G20. Global North Stop Taking Global South Children
Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, Excellency President Bola Ahmad Tinubu of Nigeria, Excellency President Azali Assoumani of Comoros …

G20 Give Our Kids Back Global Campaign
#G20GiveOurKidsBack Since yesterday, September 8th, with the commencement of the G20 Summit in New Delhi, mothers from India to …
Senior Retired Judges Write to G20 Members at Delhi Summit for Repatriation of Children from Foreign Foster Care
This letter was issued to the Heads of State attending the G20 Summit in September 2023 in New Delhi, India. …